Spells Frame

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Spell List

List of Spells: The list of spells can be configured to display in several ways:

Spell Icons: Small icons next to each spell, in either tree or list view, give the PC's knowledge of the spell at a glance.

Filter Spell List: Check the “With Text” checkbox to show only those spells whose description contains the phrase in the text box at right. You can use this to show only spells of a specific level. For example, enter "Clr 1" to show only level 1 Cleric spells. For sorcerer spells, use Sor/Wiz #, because that is the way the level is written in the descriptions. You can search for multiple strings by separating them with semicolons. Both strings have to be present in the description in order for the spell to be listed. For example, "Sor/Wiz 1; Evocation" will return 1st level evocation spells accessible to a sorcerer.

Known by: To add a single spell to a character's spell list, display “All” the spells, then select the spell in the list, and check the “Known By” checkbox.

Spell Slots Grid: This grid has two rows for each spell casting class that the character has. The first row is the maximum number of spell slots the character can have. This value automatically includes any bonuses for high ability scores, using the current relevant ability. That is, if you are using a short-term spell which increases intelligence, do not "Set Spell Slots to Full" at this time, because only long-term effects can give more spell slots.

The second row is the number of spell slots left today. A dash (-) in either row indicates that no spells of this level can be cast, regardless of high ability scores. To make spells castable, enter a number (even 0) in the full spell slots row. Alternatively, to prohibit any spells being cast at a level, enter a blank string or dash (-) instead of a number.

Spell Description Box: Information about spell duration, effects, range, domain, level, etc. is displayed in this box. You can edit this any way you like, using the Word Processor Commands .

Learning a Spell

Check the Known By box to have a PC learn a spell. If the PC has a single spellcasting class, and the spell can be cast by that class, then the text box next to the checkbox will automatically read the name of that class. For example, a Cleric learns Cure Light Wounds, so his Known by box reads "Clr".

If the PC is a multiclass Cleric/Druid, and you want the Cure Light Wounds spell to be known by both classes, edit the box to read "Clr, Drd". This means that either class can cast the spell, with different caster levels, etc.

Some creatures have spell-like abilities. These are noted as "Race" in the Known by box. A PC can also have spell-like abilities, so the Known by box would read "Race, Clr" for example. If you try to give a spell to a creature who does not have any class that can learn it, it defaults to be a spell-like ability.

Casting a Spell

To cast a spell, use the Cast Spell button. If more than one class knows the spell (see above), you can select in the list at right which class does the casting. You can also use the box to opt to cast a memorized spell rather than use a spell slot (see below).

When casting, a note in the combat log is added, for example:

Markus casts Align Weapon as Clr 9 (DC 12).

The note indicates which class is casting, what is the caster level (including prestige classes), and the spell DC. If you exceed the number of spell slots available, you will see a warning:

Markus casts Align Weapon as Clr 9 (DC 12). Warning! No spell slots available to cast.

If you attempt to cast an unknown spell, you will get a warning, and the caster level will not be calculated:

Markus casts Acid Fog. Warning! Cannot cast this spell.

If the "caster" is actually a monster with a spell like ability, the caster level will be obtained from the race's data:

Angel, Solar casts Blade Barrier as Race (effective caster level 20) (DC 23).

If the spell has a condition associated (its name is followed by a *) with it, it then opens the Condition Setter with that condition selected. See Editing Spells' and Powers' Associated Conditions to associate conditions.

Memorizing/Preparing Spells

To prepare a spell, click the Memorize button. This will add an item in the list at the right of the frame indicating which class memorized the spell, for example, "Mem. by: Clr"

To memorize while applying a metamagic feat, click the Meta Mem button. You will be presented with a window which will display a list of checkboxes for each metamagic feat available. Check those you wish to use. In some cases you also need to give a "number of times" to apply the feat (like Heighten Spell). The list of memorized spells will read for example: "Mem. by: Clr, Heightened +2"

If more than once class knows the spell, select it in the list before clicking Memorize. The class memorizing it (and its spell slots) will be decided from the selection in the list.

Times memorized: The total number of times the spell has been memorized.

Spells Pop-up Menu

Right click on the frame or on the spell slots grid to open the pop-up menu.

Cast Spell: Same as pressing the Cast Spell button.

Spell Slots to Full: This resets the number of spell slots left to the maximum number. Click this when the character has rested.

Auto Spell List: This command allows you to automatically give a creature all spells for several classes, up to a specified spell level for each class. Enter the class abbreviation (Brd, Clr, Drd, Pal, Sor/Wiz, Rgr) or the domain of the spell (Fire, Knowledge, etc.), a space, then the maximum level, separated by semi-colons for each class. Use Sor/Wiz instead of just Sor or Wiz - for example 'Sor/Wiz 3; Brd 2; Fire 3'. This function is particularly useful for divine casters, who usually have access to all spells up to their level limit. For arcane casters, remove spells that aren't in the character's spell list.

Clear Memorized Spells: Sets, for all spells, the number of times memorized to zero. Mostly useful after your character has rested and wants to change the spells he/she has memorized.

Saved Spell Lists: You can create preset lists of memorized spells that you can reuse. 

Rename/Delete/Create New Spell: See the Customization menu in the Main Window Menus .

Edit Spell Conditions: Opens the Conditions Editor .

Note: Spells With Names of NPCs

Wizards of the Coast has released the spells and their description as Open Game Content (see Open Gaming License v1.0a ) but has taken out the names of famous NPCs (Leaving, for example, Floating Disk, Sword). We have renamed the spell using the abbreviation or a modification of the original name. For example, Big's ... Hand spells and Oti's ... Sphere spells instead of the originals. Hopefully this will not cause too much confusion. Other third-party publishers such as Necromancer Games and Creative Mountain Games have used this or a similar approach.

This might cause problems when importing creatures from a stat block. However, if DM Genie does not find the exact spell name on the first try, the program tries again but checks the imported spell name with DM Genie's spells, this time with the names with the NPC names removed (anything before an apostrophe, e.g. Oti's Freezing Sphere becomes Freezing Sphere, etc.). This means that Oti's Freezing Sphere will match Otlukke's Freezing Sphere and Freezing Sphere; so there is no need to correct the spell names when importing (unless they do not have an apostrophe before the after the name).

Documentation for DM Genie and Player Genie, page Spells_Frame. Copyright © Mad Scientist Studios, 2006.
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