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Enemy/Friend radio buttons: Choose whether the current creature is an enemy (against the PCs) or a friend (allied with the PCs).
Inactive: This creature will not enter in a combat (for example, when clicking 'Quick Combat'). Also, an inactive character doesn't count in the Encounter Level or the average PC Party level. Also it does not affect XP calculation (in counting the number of members in the PC's party). For example, the mule that travels with the party would be checked as inactive.
Familiar or Summoned: Check this box if the creature will participate in combats but won't count in the Encounter Level or the average PC Party level. For example, a wizard may summon a few monsters. These creatures' CR is included in the CR of the wizard, so they should not be counted twice. Familiars and inactive monsters do not count when calculating the XP to award the PCs for defeating enemies.
Alignment: The creature's alignment.
CR: The creature's challenge rating. Use decimal points (0.5) rather than fractions like “1/2”.
XP: The creature's current experience point total.
XP Goal: XP needed to reach next level
Gets % of XP: The percentage of the share of XP this character will get. For example, if there are four PCs and one henchman in your group you could give 100% of XP to each PC and 50% to the henchman. So a total XP award of 450 XP will give 100 XP to each PC and 50 to the henchman (under the orginal 3rd edition). Under 3.5 rules, if a PC is set to get 50% of XP he will get half of the XP calculated for him based on his level and the CR of the monsters.
SR: The creature's spell resistance.
PR: The creature's power resistance.
DR: Damage Resistance (permanent). The first box is the number of hp absorbed, the second box is the type of weapon that overcomes it (for example, "evil" or "cold iron".
Carrying Capacity: Maximum weight (in pounds) for the character. This is calculated from the Strength, and the size of the creature, and assumes the creature is 2-legged. Some conditions (Starting with "Load: ") are automatically set if the total weight carried exceeds the light load value. Quadrupeds can carry more weight; enter the multiplier to the carrying capacity in the "Multiplied by" text box.
Languages: The languages that the creature can speak, read and write (except for Barbarians, who are illiterate).
Proficient Weapons: List of the weapons this character can use without penalty. This isn't applied automatically – DM Genie assumes proficiency with the weapons used.
Cleric Domains: The domains the cleric has, separated by commas. This can affect spell levels when casting cleric spells.
Forced Class Skills: Comma-separated list of skills which are to be considered as class-skills for all levels gained by the PC. You can also specify that a skill should be class for only ONE class by putting the abbreviation in square brackets. For example, by using "Listen, Spot [Ftr], Bluff [Rog]", the skill Listen will be class for all classes; Spot will only be class when leveling the Fighter, and Bluff will be class when leveling the Rogue.
Spell Notes: Misc notes about spell casting or related to the spell caster classes.
DM's notes: Holds notes from the DM relating to the current adventure/campaign, and is useful for information that does not fit anywhere else. You can edit this any way you like.