Function MakeRollString(Total, roll, ParamArray Bonuses() As Variant)
'Makes a string for the combat log like "14 (Roll 3, +2 bonustype, -3 bonustype)"
'MakeAttackString(14,3, +2, "bonustype", -3, "bonustype")
Function GetTimeStat(Name As String, Optional Number As Integer)
'This function returns a particular value of the current time
' The Name argument is a non-case-sensitive string describing the type of value.
' The Number argument is required only when requesting moon phase.
'Here follows a list of accepted parameter names
' Current time:
' hour, minute, second: Returns the corresponding integer
' PM: True if PM, false if AM
' Current date:
' day, month, year: Returns the corresponding integer
' monthstr: Month as a string
' monthabbrev: month as a string, abbreviated
' dow: day of the week, as a full string
' dowabbrev: day of the week, abbreviated
' Absolute time/date:
' curtime: Current time as the number of seconds since midnight today. An integer.
' curdate: Current date, in days since year 0. An integer.
' curdatetime: The number of days since year 0, with fractional days being counted as well. A double.
' Moons
' moonphase: Phase of the moon number Number, at current date/time, From 0 to 100% full.
' moonphaseincreasing: Returns a boolean, true if the phase in an increasing stage. True means a waxing moon, False means a waning moon.
' Sun
' sun: A string, either Night/Day/Twilight/Sunrise/SunsetSun
' Weather
' Clouds: Description of cloud cover, string"
' temperature: Temperature in Celsius (single). Farenheight = 32 + celsius * 1.8
' wind: Windspeed, single
' precipitation: Precipitation description, string
' weatherdesc: The overall weather description, string