Right-Click on a creature on the list to pop up this menu. The commands apply to the clicked creature only.
- 'Name' Current: Make that creature the current creature. Same as left-clicking.
- Auto-Damage: Applies the damage dealt from the last time you clicked an attack button – if the AC of the target is low enough. For example, an orc makes an attack that says that it hits AC 20 for 3 hp of damage. If you use Auto-Damage on Markus who has AC 19, he will lose 3 hp. But if you do it on Bilbo who has AC 23, he will not be harmed.
- Enter Damage or Healing: Opens a window where you can enter the amount of hp to add/remove to a PC. Click "Apply Damage" to remove, and "Apply Healing" to add hit points.
- Stabilize: Stops the hp loss that a dying character suffers.
- Clear All Conditions: (except permanent magical item effects).
- Remove from group: Removes the creature but it isn't deleted (it remains in 'All Creatures')
- Delete Creature: Permanent deletion from all groups.
- Copy: Makes an identical copy of the creature in the same group.